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Inclement Weather Plan

Image of rainy day with umbrella
Inclement weather planning

From time to time, the eastern region of North Carolina is faced with unpredictable weather.  The ENCRSC could have weather related delays or closures that will affect all regional partners.

It is extremely important for all districts to communicate clearly as soon as a local LEA decision has been reached about whether to delay school or close the district completely for one or more days.


  1. If Onslow County Schools closes all campuses, the ENCRSC will be closed and the partners LEAs will be contacted immediately.  No students will report.
  2. If Onslow County Schools chooses to operate on any type of delay, this will be communicated to all partners as soon as this decision has been made.  Depending on the amount of delay, Onslow County Schools will determine whether or not the sessions will be running and the regional partners will be made aware of this and a determination as to whether or not the visiting students will be attending for that day or not. 
  3. If any of the partnering LEAs are closing for any reason, this must be communicated to the ENCRSC staff as soon as possible.  Instructors will be made aware of this as well.  All daily assignments will be available to these students on-line so they may stay up to date with their classmates.  Any missed work will be made up accordingly.
  4. If any partnering LEA chooses to operate on any type of delayed schedule, this must be communicated to the ENCRSC staff as soon as it is announced.  This information will be shared with the instructors as well.  A determination will be made between the ENCRSC Director and the delayed school administration to decide whether the visiting students should or can attend on that day.  If the decision is made to keep the visiting students on their respective campuses, all classroom assignments will be available for the students to complete on-line.

If there are any questions about whether or not the ENCRSC is delayed or closed, please contact Ms. Emily Humphrey at 910 989-2020, ext. 60000.